Project 4 : Advertisement Analysis (Kim Hye-Jin)

Modern ads continue to sexualize and objectify women.

A recent Burger King commercial have dehumanized female. The following ad was easily seen on the streets of Texas in 2018.

Women have always been, and continue to be, sexualized in all forms of promotion, and these sorts of images are ubiquitous and normalized.

Men and the companies targeting the male demographic, continue to portray women as sexual objects, implying that male dominance over females is the most powerful advertising tool. This kind of advertisement that degrades women to the level of the object they are attempting to sell further entrench our society with blatant rape culture.

The culture sends young girls and young boys the wrong message about gender.

This culture is one where the female has been debased to such an extent that our society normalizes the abusive sexualization of the female gender. This is done through ads that distract from a woman’s humanity and emphasize her value as an object.

Such a message could reinforce entrenched sexist perceptions even in older men.

Advertisements sexualize women in entirely unnecessary ways.

The female body is as accessible for male satisfaction as the nearest fast food restaurant. This unsuitable advertisement is even encouraged in our society by propaganda that justifies this dehumanizing behavior towards women.

An ad is not just an ad. It is a mirror image of the way our society views women.



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