Week1 Assignment & Extra Credit Assignment : Eunjin Jung

2020092188 Eunjin Jung

Week 1 Assignment 

Why are you taking this class?

 I was interested in various issues that usually occur in our society. Not only in South Korea, but also around the world, many people are “interacting”. The interaction leads to tremendous development by cooperating with the community. On the other hand, there are conflicts due to interaction. There are countless results from interactions. Therefore, I was attracted to “interaction”. I take “Sociology of Everyday Life” because I thought I could observe our society more deeply through this class.

What PRACTICAL SKILLS do you expect to gain from attending it?

 I am interested in 'Data science' that collects and analyzes data. To grow into a great data scientist, I need to learn the technology to analyze data, but I think the most important thing is the “Insight” and “Creativity”. Through this class, I would like to develop "Insight" to find the core of data and "Creativity" to analyze social phenomena from my own perspective.

Extra Credit Assignment 

What symbols do we see, and how do they influence our behavior?

When we communicate with each other, we use nonverbal expressions as well as verbal expressions. In particular, “hand gestures” are an important form of nonverbal expression.

In South Korea, 'V-sign' is used to mean “Victory”. We often do “V” when we take pictures or express our happiness. However, in the UK, “a V-sign with the back of the hand forward” is used as an insult. Also, in Greece and Turkey, “a V-sign with a palm forward” is considered offensive.

 Also, “Thumbs up” is considered as best or good in South Korea. However, in Australia, “Thumbs up” is an act of rejection or disrespect.

As such, "hand gestures" are accepted in the same sense by members of the same country. However, they are one of the symbols that are considered “contradictory” between different groups. As such, "hand gestures" can have a positive effect on one group and a negative effect on the other.


  1. First extra credit blogging post this year? Always nice to see extra credit posts. Keep up the good work!


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