Extra : Advertisement analysis_Seo Eun Su

 As the marketing power of on-line is growing bigger and bigger, there are diverse type of advertisements trying to catch consumer's eyes and ears. However, I found that there are also problematic add that should be banned and even need to be punished by law. One of them is a type of ads that sexualize young women.


The advertisement I chose is from a Chinese mobile game called 'How to be a King.' It was mainly presented shortly through YouTube before a consumer plays a clip he or she wants to watch. This game is a story of a young man trying gain money and power through adventure, and finally being a king of nation.


The Problematic part is that it shows young girls undressing themselves in front of the player. Although the main story and the actual game tactic has nothing to do with those female characters, the advertisement concentrates on naked girls' body in the short 15 second part that is shown to every YouTube users. It is clearly intended to allure them by sensational images.


Since advertisement is made to invoke certain desire to people and make them buy products, this ad sends diverse messages to different type of individuals.


First, It makes young girls think that they should be sexually seductive in order to survive. In the advertisement, girls are trying to appeal to the player by making winning sounds and saying begging words such as 'Don't leave me', 'Please choose me.' This conveys a social position of young girls in this game, which is only decided by men's choice. They are also very likely to rate themselves by look and suffer from body image obsession because girls are portrayed like a selling material, a pretty accessory that is evaluated through look. In this ad, characters are wearing age badge like price tag so actual girls watching this might get afraid of aging.


Second, this image tells young boys that sex is what they should 'win' to prove masculinity. As the main character gain money and status over time, the look and clothes of girls he can choose also gets shorter and sexually more explicit. If young boys watch this advertisement, they will think that the standard of success must be followed with the number and level of girls he get. It is very dangerous for boys to think as such because they can easily act violent or possessive of girls and feel nothing wrong about it.

Third, Older men are provided with a message that it is okay to sexualize women. If This kind of advertisement keeps being approved in society, it means people don't really consider it a serious problem. Therefore, the target who would take advantage of that atmosphere is clearly older men with power, money and status to enjoy sexualized women. In my opinion, the advertisement is mainly intended to provoke the sexual desire of adult men and make them think there is nothing wrong to just play a mobile game which materialize girls, but not real human. However, as I described, it does have impact on real society by conveying certain message to people's mind. Therefore, this advertisement is morally wrong and needs to be prohibited from a video platform where anyone can watch.


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