Project 3 : Technology Assignment / extra credit assignment (Baek ji woo)

Saturday, May 22, 2021

 I didn't use the computer, TV, or cell phone that I usually use. I didn't use this technology, but I recorded it with paper and a fan. I recorded the discomfort and feelings at that time.

 I had to wake up without an alarm. I overslept. No one was home, but I couldn't call anyone. When I was young, my mother wrote "I'll go to the mart" on paper, but now she doesn't because she can easily make calls. It was hard to talk to my friends because I didn't have a cell phone. I was very bored because I couldn't watch videos or play computer games. So I spent time cooking, drawing, reading, and studying. I was happy to read a paper book after a long time. I had nothing to do, so I organized my room and took a walk. I always listen to music when I go out, but when I go out without using my cell phone, I can hear natural sounds such as cars, birds, wind, and people.But I felt the need for a cell phone because I couldn't see the time, felt empty, and just walking was boring. I ate dinner with my family while talking without reading comic books on my phone. It was interesting and fun to look into each other's eyes after a long time while talking about each other's daily lives. Before I went to bed, I turned off the lights and couldn't sleep for a while. I always use my cell phone before I go to bed. If I can't, I can't sleep and finish the day. 

That concludes my record.

Through this activity, I realized that I couldn't live without technology. Especially, I think it is a smartphone with various technologies such as cell phone, computer, and television. It was uncomfortable and empty to live without a cell phone that enabled various activities such as phone calls, cartoons, listening to music, and watching videos.

 In our lives, technological advances have improved significantly throughout the 19th and 20th centuries and through the 21st centuries.  With the development of electricity to light the city's dark streets, it has become possible to use light bulbs to light individual rooms. Compared to the 19th century, we can contact each other. You can see your face, hear your voice, and speak in real time.Fast transportation speeds up travel and reduces travel time. The distance that took two hours was reduced to an hour.  Automatic payment using mobile phones is also possible. With the development of technology, I can spend all night leisure time. For example, playing games, watching movies, watching YouTube, etc. 

Can I live without technology? It's so uncomfortable. When I was young, my cell phone was not a smartphone but a 2G phone. Only text messages or phone calls were possible. There are many restrictions on using the Internet. When I was young, I was divided into MP3s that could listen to music, newspapers that could read newspapers, TV that could watch videos, and computers that could play games. I always felt uncomfortable about things that were divided. As technology advances, smartphones with various technologies are being sold. I don't think I can live without technology.

 How will it affect our lives? It's so effective. I lived Saturday without the internet, television, or cell phone, but my life was not completely devoid of technology. Various technologies such as electricity, heating, air conditioning, and automobiles remained. I can't live without this kind of technology. If this disappears, people will feel very uncomfortable. In this way, technology affects us a lot.


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