Week 2-1. "Sociology of Everyday life"

This is a picture of the last Training for Students. 
There are other contents below the picture.

 What is more important:the actions of individuals or the environment that influences them?

I think that the actions of individuals is more important than the environment that influences them. The reason is most people in similar circumstances live different lives. I think everything depends on mind.

Let's look at the following pictures and try to answer:how do those people feel? Why do they act the way they do? What can we learn from answering those questions?

There are many people, of which factory worker in the USA stands out the most. I think she's thinking about something else while working. By answering these questions, we can develop a position to understand other people's positions.

How are you try to manage your own impression of others? How influenced others? 

I try to feel that I am a consistent person. I hope that the word sincerity will be the word that introduces me.

What symbols do we see, and how do they influence our behavior?

Traffic signs can be an example of a symbol. If we don't follow this, we can pose a safety risk.

What other symbols do you think can have different meaning in different part of the world?

V-sign can be an example. When we take pictures in Korea, we draw V with our hands. However, using this gesture incorrectly can be a curse in England and Greece.

What other examples can we think of? *Ethnomethodologist is like a child: they ask WHY a lot, focusing on "things everyone knows".

Why paint the ocean blue in general?

Watch a movie, a TV episode, or read a book, and try to observe at least five examples of concepts that Goffman wrote about.

In "Infinite Challenge," the cast becomes performers, and the viewers become audiences. The camera directors who film this are usually non-persons, but in some situations they are shill. When such an episode progresses, the PD intentionally edits the content publicly at the ending, indicating mystification.


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