Social interaction - Extra Credit Assignment

  What is more important: the actions of individuals or the environment that influences them?

→ I think individual behavior is more important. This is because humans are not passive beings that should be unilaterally influenced by the environment. Of course, the environment affects humans as much as humans affect the environment, but I think that individual behavior is more important because individual needs are inherent in changing the environment.

Let's look at the following pictures and try to answer:how do those people feel? Why do they act the way they do? What can we learn from answering those questions?

→ These pictures show the behavior of people from different cultures around the world. Looking at these pictures, I wanted to think about why these people would act like this and have ideas, but interestingly, I felt that I was looking at them from my own perspective.

How are you try to manage your own impression of others? How influenced others?

→ I would like to show the impression of being as quiet and polite as possible to others. That's why I keep promises well and take the attitude of listening to other people's opinions first.

What symbols do we see, and how do they influence our behavior?

→ The dove as a symbol means 'peace.' In the city center, it is accepted as a harmful animal due to its increased population and hygiene problems, but on stages like the Olympics, it is portrayed as a symbol of peace and inspires people.

What other symbols do you think can have different meaning in different part of the world?

→ In Korea, the number 4(sa) tends to be regarded as a death number because of the similar pronunciation to death(死, sa), so some buildings, including hospitals, do not have a fourth floor. But in the West, the number 4 does not give meaning to death.

What other examples can we think of? 

→ Why do we associate green with 'green(eco-friendly)'?


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