First blogging

   I'll write about some beginning topics. There are two question. Q1. Why are you taking this class? and Q2. What PRACTICAL SKILLS do you expect to gain from attending it?

  I can answer about these together. When I made my second grade schedule, I saw 일상생활과 사회구조의 이해, the Korean name of this lecture. I thought this lecture will teach me about society's cultures and the result from our everyday habits. In usual, I am interesting about people's behavior. Like why they do that or what is the meaning of someone's behavior. Sometimes I observed passenger's moving and tried to know what happens to them. But it has limit to find the meaning, that I just watched. So I want to learn more my interest by taking this class. For example, nowadays, I watched Korean variety, foreigners discussion, on youtube. There are over 10 nations' panels from Italy, German, China, Japan,,, All of them have very different culture but they seem so friendly. The most interested moment is about Chinese panel. He was so Sinocentrism, and only knew about his country at early of this program. But, as time passes, he showed viewers that he has changing. He came to Korea at least over 20 years old, that means he has strong Chinese culture, but after 3~4 years, he can change by changing of his daily life. Like this, I think for everyone, everyday life and social structure are interaction thing.
  When I knew this lecture will be going on English, I thought it will help to my English skill. But after I took Introduction about this class, I made my decision to focus on sociology, not English skill. As I wrote above, I expect to earn more knowledge about sociology that I can apply at my everyday life. And this class uses Wiki and Blog that useful for 21C internet but I have never used before so I expect to acquire for these platform's using in technical aspect. Exciting!!

+ I wrote this blog post in my blog post on 7th March, not here so I just copied it and blogged here again!!


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